Assessment of Course Work
Evaluation of students’ written assignments will take into consideration:

Quality of the assignment: The assignments should be competently written in the scientific language appropriate for the subject and using correct terminology. They should answer accurately the questions posed and should handle only the subject examined, elaborating on it fully.
Timely submission of the assignments: The assignments should be submitted within the deadlines set. Late submission of assignments will be penalised and reflected in the student’s final result.

Student support
During each Module the students can communicate by email messages with the instructor and request assistance.
If a student wishes to elaborate on any Module, the instructor will be happy to provide advise, extra study material or sources of information. Furthermore the opportunity will be given to the student to select a topic on the subject of interest for the final Assignment, thus giving him the opportunity to work in greater depth and acquire better insight.





Week 1

Introductory Week

07/10/2024 -13/10/2024

Week 2

Introduction to water microbiology

14/10/2024 – 20/10/2024

Week 3

Epidemiology of waterborne diseases

21/10/2024 – 27/10/2024

Week 4

Drinking and bottled water


Week 5

Surface Waters – Waste Water – Water reuse


Week 6

Recreational waters (bathing waters, swimming pools, spas)

11/11/2024 -17/11/2024

Week 7

Inhaled water – Legionnella & Mycobacteria


Week 8 – 9

Final exam

Final project






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